вторник, 4 август 2015 г.

Дроновете и личното пространство – един назвяраващ правен дебат, с определени политически аспекти

Man Arrested For Shooting Down Drone Flying Over Sunbathing Daughters

After using a shotgun to blast a $1,800 camera equipped drone out of the sky in his local neighborhood, A Hillview Kentucky resident was taken to jail and is contemplating pursuing charges against four men who flew the device over his private property.
The camera-equipped machine reportedly flew over his daughters who were sunbathing in the backyard as well as a neighbor’s 16-year old daughter who was sunbathing as well.
William H. Merideth is anything but apologetic. Currently he is claiming that privacy and private property rights were violated by the four men who flew the drone over multiple houses in his neighborhood on Sunday, reports WDRB News.
However, William H. Merideth was arrested and charged with 1st degree criminal mischief and 1st degree wanton endangerment. He was released a day later.
In an interview conducted by the Louisville Kentucky news group, Merideth claims that the drone was trespassing. “Well, I came out and it was down by the neighbor’s house, about 10 feet off the ground, looking under their canopy that they’ve got in their back yard.” He then added, “I went and got my shotgun and I said, ‘I’m not going to do anything unless it’s directly over my property.’”
After the drone crossed above Merideth’s property, he pulled out a shotgun and fired directly into the air, destroying the drone. The drone crashed in an empty field.
Once the drone had been shot down, the owners soon confronted Merideth.
“They asked me, ‘Are you the S-O-B that shot my drone?’ and I said, ‘Yes I am,’” Merideth claims. “I had my .40 caliber Glock on me and they started toward me and I told them, ‘If you cross my sidewalk, there’s gonna be another shooting.’”
“We’re not going to let it go,” said Merideth. “I believe there are rules that need to be put into place and the situation needs to be addressed because everyone I’ve spoke to, including police, have said they would have done the same thing.” WDRB 41 Louisville News

понеделник, 3 август 2015 г.

Лавина в Северна Осетия

Here is one of our favourite no comments. In this video published in 2011, Russian military use artillery to dislodge avalanches in North Ossetia... no comment
Posted by euronews on Wednesday, 17 June 2015


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