сряда, 28 февруари 2018 г.

Protecting the Planet newsletter - February 2018


February 2018


The Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio porphyrio). Photo: Rory Moore, BLUE

Azerbaijan to create first MPA in the Caspian Sea

The Gizilaghaj State Reserve is being expanded and upgraded to become a National Park and will include the first Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Caspian Sea, the largest inland body of water on the planet. The new MPA will seek to protect six significant marine species on the brink of extinction, including the Beluga sturgeon and the Caspian salmon. The State Reserve was created in 1929 for the purpose of protecting migrant, swamp and wild birds, and was declared a Wetland of International Importance by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 2001. Read more


Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the most challenging places on the planet

Conflict resolution strategy for Kahuzi-Biega NP, DRC

Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the most challenging places on the planet, with over 20 years of civil unrest and displacement. WCS, GRASP and IISD developed a Conflict Sensitive Conservation methodology with national park managers, focusing on analysis of key themes of conflict, analysing their causes and effects, identifying and mapping of stakeholders and how they affect and are affected by conflicts, and development of conflict resolution strategy. Read more

Nature provides for the ultimate foundations of life and health.

Health and well-being

Nature provides the ultimate foundation of life and health. Our parks, protected areas and green spaces are vital for accessing the health benefits of nature. Discover the IUCN WCPA Health and Well-being Specialist Group e-flyer which gives a concise overview of the context and goals of the Specialist Group, who they are, and what they are trying to do.

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Local community member Ms. Lek, spends a few hours collecting oysters, which sells than sells for US $ 8 – 15 a bucket at the local market. © Siriporn Sriram/IUCN Thailand

Securing Indo-Burma's wetlands and communities

Wetlands, such as marshes, rivers, mangroves and coral reefs, have many important functions. They support fisheries, provide clean water, store carbon and reduce disaster risk by acting as natural buffers against erosion and the impact of floods, tsunamis and landslides. In the Indo-Burma region, millions of people rely on wetlands for their survival. The Lower Mekong delta supports the world's most productive inland fisheries and provides local communities with up to 80% of their protein intake. Read more


Participatory mapping - as part of one PA Solution

Exciting times ahead for Solutions for a Healthy Planet

Representatives of all five PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet partner organisations (GIZ, IUCN, UN Environment, GRID-Arendal, Rare) came together for the initiative's second steering group meeting. The meeting was an opportunity to take stock of PANORAMA's development, while preparing the initiative for growth, both in terms of a thematic expansion as well as new partner institutions joining, while some of the projects that initially helped set up PANORAMA  in its current form will be ending soon. Read more


IUCN-SPREP partnership for protected and conserved areas in the Pacific

Protected areas in the Pacific benefit from a renewed 5,5 years partnership between IUCN Oceania Regional Office and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) in the framework of the BIOPAMA Programme. The partnership has so far seen the enhancement of the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal (PIPAP), the 'one-stop shop' for all information on protected areas. Read more


Green List workshop in Kenya

Protected area governance, equity and the Green List in Kenya

A key workshop was held at the IUCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) to further cultivate and disseminate the work of the IUCN Green List Standard in Kenya.  This workshop explored  how governance and social assessments may be combined to provide a comprehensive assessment of equity in protected and conserved area conservation, and how the cross-cutting equity theme of the Green List standard might be strengthened, especially in the Kenyan context. Read more

Read the February 2018 Green List Bulletin for the latest IUCN Green List events around the world.


Success Story: Students On Ice Foundation

The Students on Ice Foundation (SOI) fosters an understanding and appreciation of nature in youth from around the world. Through immersive Arctic and Antarctic journeys, youth engage in hands-on, cross-cultural learning, resulting in a connection to the Polar Regions that shapes their perspectives and impact on our world. Read more


Reconciliation is not just needed between diverse elements of society, it is also needed between humanity and the environment.  @ The Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE)

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs): achieving Target 11 in Canada through reconciliation

In a historical act of good faith, the Canadian government embraced the creation of The Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE) for The Pathway to Target 1, the Canadian version of UNCBD's Aichi Target 11. Reconciliation is not just needed between diverse elements of society, it is also needed between humanity and the environment. Read more 

LATEST NEWS: CPAWS celebrates 'historic investment' in nature conservation in Federal Budget 2018

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) applauds today's announcement of $1.3 billion dollars of new federal funding over five years to protect Canada's land, ocean, and wildlife. This unprecedented investment will support Canada's efforts to achieve its commitment to protect at least 17% of our land and 10% of our ocean by 2020, delivering on the Prime Minister's promise that Canada will achieve and substantially exceed this target in the coming years. Read more


Brazil on the verge of changing marine conservation history in the South Atlantic

The Brazilian government has opened public comments on proposals to establish a mosaic of MPAs around the oceanic archipelagos of St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks and Trindade & Martin Vaz, covering approximately 900,000 square kilometres and making Brazil´s MPA coverage jump to some 21% of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

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International Union for Conservation of Nature annual report 2017

2017 IUCN Annual Report

The English-language version of the 2017 IUCN Annual Report is now available as a web-ready PDF and in print from GCU. French and Spanish editions are coming soon. The report highlights some of the Union's major successes last year and outlines the overall strategic direction for 2018. It also includes a new IUCN infographic showing how our Union works to deliver results.

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Protected areas: challenges and responses for the coming decade

The first in a new series of dialogues from Equilibrium Research, focusing on the future of the global protected area system in the build-up to 2020 and renegotiation of international biodiversity conservation targets. This dialogue summarises some of the most urgent issues relating to protected areas, from the field to international policy. Some are well known, others have tended to be missed or ignored. Read more

Crossroads: Blog - Open Letters to IUCN Members

Degradation of nature is contributing to conflict – can we reverse the trend?

The degradation of nature is undermining the security and peace of billions of people worldwide – yet we know little of how sustainable and fair use of natural resources can help prevent conflicts in the Middle East and around the world. The conservation community should urgently explore this opportunity – writes Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein of Jordan. Read more

News on African Protected Areas

The 116th edition of the NAPA talks about conservancies in Kenya and Namibia. Join our Online Courses on PA management, Ecological Monitoring, Law Enforcement and Species Conservation. For more: training courses (MOOC).

La NAPA n°116 nous parle des conservancies au Kenya et en Namibie ! Rejoignez nos formations en ligne sur la gestion des AP, le suivi écologique, l'application des lois et la conservation des espèces: formations en ligne (MOOC).

IUCN in the news: Denmark's protected areas

IUCN Global Protected Areas Programme Director Trevor Sandwith was quoted in an article on protected areas in Denmark in the Danish daily Politiken. Reacting to the article, the Danish Environment Ministry said in a statement that it will review its list of protected areas in dialogue with IUCN.

DOPA Explorer 2.0 – Better information promotes and protects global biodiversity: The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission has launched a new version of the Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) that provides hundreds of indicators for some 24,000 protected areas around the world.

The Stivardr - An Occasional Newsletter of the Specialist Group on Privately Protected Areas

and Nature Stewardship, January 2018

ICCA Newsflash, February 2018

EUROPARC Federation eNews, February 2018

A global analysis of management capacity and ecological outcomes in terrestrial protected areas, Conservation Letters, by Stephen Woodley, Thomas M. Brooks, Marc Hockings, Neil D. Burgess et al., 8 February 2018

MPA news - Monthly news, analysis, and guidance on marine protected areas worldwide Vol. 19, No. 4, February 2018


27-28 February: Space for Nature Symposium. The Zoological Society of London and National Geographic Society along with IUCN, BirdLife International, CBD and others will host an international science-policy symposium entitled "Safeguarding space for nature and securing our future: developing a post-2020 strategy".

Webinars on ICCAs: Introduction to ICCAs: march 6th; the ICCA self-strengthening process: march 15th; ICCAs in international policy: april 3rd; Mapping ICCAs: april 10th (available in English, también en Español, disponible en français)

Eye on Earth webinar, 7 March: Introducing the Citizen Science Global Partnership by Dr Anne Bowser and Martin Brocklehurst

Marine Protected Areas: global standards for success

This is an invitation for a short consultation on whether all the existing IUCN policies, standards, recommendations and guidance have been captured in IUCN's global conservation standards to Marine Protected Areas. The deadline to share your contribution is 4 March 2018. Read more

Earth Skills Network: Training opportunities in 2018, Earthwatch Institute

2018 International Parks Congress, Melbourne, Australia, by Parks and Leisure Australia, 14-17 October 2018

15 PhD positions now open at Inspire4Nature - Project 11 - Understanding the implications of temporal dynamics of protected area boundaries and designations for protected area-based biodiversity


to the Kenton Miller Award Programme through GlobalGiving

IUCN Protected Areas: join us online, on Facebook or Twitter

for the latest news and updates!

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