понеделник, 12 февруари 2018 г.

ПЪЛНОМОЩНО за водене на преговори от името на чуждо предприятие


Power of Attorney


I, the undersigned  …….. , citizen of……,holder of personal card………..No......., issued by………….  Personal Identification Number:, having an address at   acting in my capacity of . …….. на завод ………….. a company incorporated under the laws of country name,having its seat  and registered office (registered address  and address of management
Долуподписаният ............................................................................. в качеството си на ....................................... на завод  "........................."   със седалище и адрес на управление ......................................

Do hereby authorize


…….. , citizen of……,holder of personal card………..No......., issued by………….  , having an address at  hereinafter referred to as the "Proxy"
...............................................................,притежаващ   паспорт   №..................., изд. на ......................г. от ......... -.................., с адрес : ....................


For the following

To represent the plant before local and foreign companies and international corporations, governmental institutions and all natural and legal persons and to act on my behalf with the right to perform the following actions/rights:
1)     To present all types of urea manufactured in the factory, their qualities and marketing.
Да представлява завода пред  местни, чуждестранни фирми, международни корпорации, институции, физически и юридически лица  с право да извършва от негово име следните действия:
1/ Да представя всички видове ====, произвеждани в завода, техните качества и начин за търговия.
To present to advertise in all appropriate manners
To coordinate the process of marketing selling
To supervise and manage
2/ Да води разговори с потенциални клиенти относно  условията по доставки на урея и да предлага на упълномощителя кандидатите за подписване на договори.
2)     To engage in negotiations with potential clients on the terms of supply of urea and to present to the Grantor suitable candidates for signing of commercial contracts.
The authorized / The Proxy might NOT assign in part or in full any of the rights granted under the present Power of Attorney to third parties and might not sign contract, written consent, power of attorney or any other form of document which might assign, delegate or otherwise transfer any of the rights granted under this Power of Attorney
The Proxy might not sign any contract or other document which might assign to third parties any of the powers granted under the present Power of Attorney
Пълномощникът няма право да подписва договори или да преупълномощава други лица за извършването на посочените действия.
This power of attorney was drawn up in Bulgarian and English language. In case of doubt the Bulgarian text shall prevail. 


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