четвъртък, 1 януари 2015 г.


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There's something about abandonment that resonates strangely with the human spirit; and the sight of human buildings reclaimed by nature has a twofold effect. Firstly, it hints at hidden histories, at stories and perhaps lives lost – but more powerful still, is the underlying message that reminds us how all things must one day return to the earth. How interesting it is then, to contemplate the decline of our monuments to religion: more than mere function, these structures carry the weight of our beliefs, our dreams, our hope and our faith.

From time to time in my travels, I've come across the derelict remains of churches; some of them boarded and fenced off in city centres, others left to rot in fields or forests. I felt it was about time I shared a few of these locations… and so here are five of the most memorable religious ruins that I've had the opportunity to explore.

see more  http://www.thebohemianblog.com/2014/12/five-abandoned-churches-a-cellar-full-of-skulls.html

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